The Global Assembly for the Amazon is an initiative in defence of the South American forest and the indigenous peoples that preserve it. But it is also articulated with the fight against climate change, free trade agreements, predatory corporations and structural racism across the planet. It is a vital process of proposals and practices of alternatives in the face of the crisis of neoliberal globalization. We are pleased to publicise this meeting on Tuesday 8 September which will discuss how to combine the defence of the Amazon with the climate mobilizations that will take place from September 22 to 25.
Tuesday September 8
12:00 New York, Montréal / 13:00 São Paulo
17:00 London / 18:00 Amsterdam
Join us on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 962 7739 8528
Passcode: 169089
We also publish the Declaration of the First Global Assembly for the Amazon adopted July 18/19 2020.
Asablea Mundial por la Amazonía
Declaration of the First Global Assembly for the Amazon
Something new is rising. Can you hear it?
We hear it well, in the middle of the cries of the Amazon.
The struggle of the Amazonian people rises, attacked in their territories, memories and cultures. The deafening cry of the jungle grows, knocked down, burned, plundered by rapist extractivism, which only obeys power and greed.
No more drops of blood and pain in consumer products in the cities of the world!
There is a gathering of resistance within the communities of the forest, the countryside and the cities, which are getting organized against the devastation and hunger that will come after this pandemic.
Because ecocide, ethnocide, and terricide progress worse than the virus
The bodies and territories of women and territories are historically violated by a patriarchal, colonial and capitalist system, which does not understand life care.
However, in the middle of pain, as if it was a childbirth labor, something new is being born: a rebellious fabric of many forest and cement spirits, who remember that we are all Amazon.
This fabric is born in the preoccupying certainty of knowing that there is no more time to lose. It is time to unite in the diversity of knowledge of the people of Abya Yala and the world, and in the cultures of care, to return the spirit of the jungle to humanity.
The Amazonian rivers flow through us, give us air, they sing us songs of freedom; we are daughters and sons of Earth and Water, within them our roots are nourished and coexist with the stars of the Jaguar in the Universe.
It’s now or never!
Enter the jungle of our dreams, struggles and resistance!
Be part of the process of creating within World Assemblies to Free the Amazon and its People.
Louder than all the voices of death will be the cry of life
emerging from the Amazon and the World!
1 Amazoniza-you: internalize the Amazon in you/ Be one with the Amazon
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